Posted tagged ‘trailer’


November 27, 2011

The baby has been snorting and snuffling for multiple nights now.  Yesterday, she fell victim to several sneezing fits.  And today, she woke up with a snotty nose.  It is official:  she has her first cold.

As I type this, I can hear her snuffly breathing through the baby monitor.  Pobrecita.  I hate that she can’t breathe well.  And the stuffy nose really impedes her ability to breastfeed and to eat, which is the closest thing to tragic that happens in this kid’s life.  

Amy knew that Jane was sick this morning when she was willing just to cuddle up and wait for me to come back from my run.  Usually, Jane goes about 90 mph from the time she wakes up until she falls asleep (occasionally pausing for a nap, but usually only under duress).  So, quiet cuddles are a clear indication of a problem.  And, as soon as I picked her up, she promptly sneezed right in my face.  What is it about baby sneezes that makes them so cute?  I mean, they are still full of germs.  But CUTE.

Anyway, the little monster has her first cold.  Looks like we may have to skip out on the Y tomorrow.  But there is no rule that we can’t take out the bike & the new trailer, even if Janie has the sniffles…